Friday, November 28, 2014


Remember. When the storm rages on, and you can't see the way. Remember. He Who rescued you and set your feet upon dry ground has not moved or changed. This, He will never do. No matter your guilt, station or heart, He does not your side abandon. In the dry season or the time of less, look to the Great Provider for your sustenance. He does not leave you hungry still. Upon the mountain of prosperity and peace, forget not your Savior and Portion. For when friends are many and trials so few, our hearts forge the chill of night and the pain of hunger. Lord, teach me to be practiced in thankfulness. To be mindful of Your hand over my life. For my state is beyond my power - good or bad - the Lord allows all. Remind me. Cause me to remember.

The First

I am a twenty-something female who grew up in a Christian home, attended a private Christian school and graduated from a Christian university. Sound vanilla to you? While those are nice things to mention in a Bible study group or introduction, they lack the full spectrum of all that embodied my formative years. Despite the environments that surrounded me during my formative years, I grew up never knowing the truth of lordship or understanding the vast power of grace.

If you find yourself relating on any level, I will be happy to share my journey from Christian atheist to humble Christ follower.